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Tenterfield Shire Council

Tenterfield Shire Council was established on 23 November 1871. It holds 5,044^ electors and occupies an area of 7,333^ square kilometres. This council is divided into five wards and is served by ten councillors including a Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

Elections were completed on Saturday, 4 December in the A, B and D Wards. You can find results for these elections on our results page.

Casual vacancies have occurred in C and E Wards as an insufficient number of nomination proposals were received for the 4 December elections.

By-elections to fill one casual vacancy for each of these wards will now be held on Saturday, 26 February 2022 and all people enrolled in those wards will be required to vote.

Elections for this council

Map data: 2023 Redistribution of Local Government Areas for LG2401, D2023-10-30

^Elector data last updated April 2024